The Number (1) Way to Join a Computer or Windows PC to a Domain

The Number (1) Way to Join a Computer or Windows PC to a Domain


The Number (1) Way to Join a Computer or Windows PC to a Domain

Before joining a computer or windows PC to a domain, an organization must have Active Directory in their network. In Active Directory there is a server in a network that assigns access to resources for each user in a domain-based structure. In this article we are explaining you the basic and simplest way of joining a Computer or Windows PC to a domain:

For the join a Computer or Windows PC to a domain follow below steps:


Step 1:

Go to the Start Menu of your PC >> Write Control Panel Click and open it.

Step 2:

In the Control Panel >> Click on System open it >> then Click on Advanced system settings open it.

Step 3:

After opening Advanced system settings >> System Properties window/screen will be opened >> Click on Computer Name Tab >> and then Click on >> Change button

Step 4:

After clicking on Change button a new window/screen will be opened, in the Computer name section write your desired name for your PC or Computer; then bellow the computer name, there is the Member of section >> select Domain >> write the domain name of your network and click on OK.

Step 5:

After the above steps following restart your Computer or Windows PC, it will be joined or connected to domain of your organization.

Step 6:

You can log in to the joined domain user with specific and assigned access to the resources.

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